You can talk!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


There is going to be a 4th MR book!!!!!!! Go to Fangs blog and see for yourself!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

***Eclipse Quote of the Day*** (8/2/07)

***Eclipse Quote of the Day*** (8/2/07)
“I know you think that I have some kind of perfect, unyielding self-control, but that’s not actually the case.” — Edward Cullen

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

***Eclipse Quote of the Day*** (8/1/07)

***Eclipse Quote of the Day*** (8/1/07)
“I can’t imagine how awful that must feel. Being normal? Ugh.” — Bella Swan

Sunday, July 29, 2007

***Eclipse Quote of the Day***

***Eclipse Quote of the Day*** (7/29/07)
“I feel like screaming!” — Jessica Stanley

Saturday, July 28, 2007

***Eclipse Quote of the Day***

***Eclipse Quote of the Day*** (7/28/07)
“I offered eternal servitude, remember. I’m your slave for life.” — Jacob Black

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hi!! No one has posted in a long time... So I would just like to say go see HP5 it's awesome!!!!! And yeah... I don't know what else to say... well I searched "eclipse countdown" on google and this blog was on the list WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ummm.... what else..... I love fang and edward! They are both soo awesome! :D

Saturday, July 7, 2007


i found this i think it is true

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

- There are 7 deaths throughout the course of the book.

Molly Weasley, Lupin, Snape, Bellatrix, Hagrid, Kreacher and Voldemort

- Harry 'barely survives' the final encounter and at point believes his
beloved Ginny to be dead.

- It is revealed that Snape killed Dumbledore on 'Dumbledores' Orders.
Dumbledore knew he could still communicate with Harry in the afterlife.
For when Harry destroys a Horcrux the barrier between the living and the
dead is temporerily Lifted allowing Dumbledore to come through (This doesnt
mean he's back however, he appears in the book twice in very small scenes.
Very small but very important)
So yes Sanpe is a good guy, he plays a 'vital' part in the final battle and
Voldemorts destruction.

- Kreacher is a HORCRUX

- The image on the american book cover is a reference to a scene in a place
called Lestbury Hallow. The ancient momument serves as a headquarters for
Voldemort and his death eaters.

- The Image on the English Childrens edition is a refernce to a scene at
Gringotts were the trio encounter Kreacher and a battle between the three
and numerous house elves is waged.

- The Book ends with an enourmous wizard battle on muggle territory. The
houses of parlaiment play host to most thrilling fight scene yet. But the
final confrontation happens in the great hall at hogwarts were Snape is
finally unmasked as the good guy, and both he a voldemort meet their deaths.

- Harry must live without his magical powers. This is the price he pays for
Voldemorts destruction. The book ends with Ginny at Harrys bedside.
Then the final Chapter shows Ron and Hermione together years later.
Harry and ginny are together and the very very final bit of the book shows
harry at the dinner table at christmas and suddenly something moves. 'Are
Harrys magical powers back?'

AND THATS WERE SHE LEAVES IT aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I couldnt believe she did that. She left it on a cliffhanger!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


i am finally back from Maine.
they had no computers so i couldn't blog.
i went hiking and stuff.
well there isn't really much to say exept that harry potter movie comes out on my birth day!!! ya ya

Sunday, June 24, 2007

People Haven't Posted In A While

So, I see that people haven't posted here in a while. That's sad 'cuz this is a really cool blog. I haven't heard from the blog administrater in a while. Well, I'm posting. Hiya! plz comment. Oh, and go to and vote for a name for my character. Perhaps I'll call the girl Ivory. What do you think? Well, maybe Evelynn or Fate. Or I could have Faye. Well, I like Ivory the best so far. Evelynn is a close 2nd though. For the guy I like Dominic, James, and Ace the best. Well, I guess I like Ethan too, but now that I look at it, it just doesn't fit right.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hi everyone I just joined this blog! its soo awesome!! here is my main blog:
It's the one that says: Just another way to express myself. ^_^

maximum ride is awesome!!

Friday, June 15, 2007


PA is soooooo great u must love it here ashley! We r going 2 c the liberty bell monday. Oh by the way I'm Avery. I live in LA and am visiting PA 4 2 weeks. One thing I've noticed is that they have alot of random street names here, like chew street?! who made up that name?

Wedding choas

It is so hechtic around here! WEll part of it is my dad is suing my mom and my mom has to be in court the 21st and well...would you look at that two days before her wedding! My dad is suing my mom because he wants his child soppurt lowred. he owes my mom over $6,ooo.

My life is great.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

This is my 7th blog!!!

Hello peoples!!! This is my 7th blog. I know, I'm getting popular. I have three blogs with other authors if you include this one. Alright, introductions. Let's see...I'm overly hyper, love mints, possibly a.d.d., crazy a.k.a. insane, weird, I must be interesting or else you wouldn't be reading this blog. Uhhhh...I like fluffy penguins. Oh, yeah! I absolutely positively LOVE to read.



count down

there is the website to get the eclipse count down, for anyone wh want it.

found out

Nudge:twin figured out how to get team mates on a blog!!! All you have to do is go to settings and permissions. Then it says only one author can post from this blog. You click Add Authors and get the people's e-mail address and write it there. That's all you have to do.

so any one want to be on my bolg put your emails here.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

team mates

i would love to have team mates to talk to. does anyone want to be my team mate, because i want to TALK TO SOMEBODY, If you have any idea how to get a team mate please reply soon.

Nothing has been going on except flying to Colorado is my birthday present (My birthday is 7-11-92) I am going to go with my aunt Mimi for awhile. She lived in Tennessee, Maine, Pennsylvania(Were she grew up with us) and now she moving to Colorado! She is so lucky! I love the out doors as much as her.

team mates

Monday, June 11, 2007

twilight, new moom, and Eclipse

Twilight: Is about this girl, Bella, and she moves with her father after her mother got married. And now at her new school she is popular, and she wasn't at her old school. She meets this boy, Edward, and he is dark and mysterious. Bella is trying to figure out what he is and it turns out she is deeply in love with a vampire. And they must work out complications to love each other peacefully.

New moon: ""Shoot," I muttered when the paper sliced my finger; I pulled it out to examine the damage. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut.

It all happened very quickly then.

Edward threw himself at me, flinging me back across the table...

I tumbled down to the floor by the piano, with my arms thrown out instinctively to catch my fall, into the jagged shards of glass. I felt the searing, stinging pain that ran from my wrist to the crease inside my elbow.

Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm—into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires."

that was a part from new moon.

For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may be just beginning...

Eclipse: "BELLA?"

Edward's soft voice came from behind me. I turned to see him spring lightly up the porch steps, his hair windblown from running. He pulled me into his arms at once, just like he had in the parking lot, and kissed me again.

This kiss frightened me. There was too much tension, too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed mine—like he was afraid we had only so much time left to us."

there was something from the up coming book.

As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob—knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just got back

I got back from my dads and guess what he wasn't there. i went to visit my dads parents. I am mad at him, because he said he would come and he didn't. but i should be used to that by now.

Now I'm going to colrodo in agust to visit my aunt. she has no kids and is really out doorsy like me. We are going hiking and camping. It is going to be fun.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

dress again

i need feed back from my drees people.


please you are making the dress sound like it is ugly, if you really think that then you gotta reply please!


school is out! yeah.

school was out on June 7th 2007 at 10:45:00!!!

summer vacation starts now!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


i am trying on dresses for my moms wedding. my dress is res and it comes down to my knees. it is strapless and all the way to the top and... well here's the link to see the dress:

it is three to the Right on the top.

Monday, June 4, 2007

wheel of time here is the link to see the first book.

the first book is called THE EYE OF THE WORLD

The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth return again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, when the World and Time themselves hang in the balance, a wind rises in the mountains of mist . . .

. . . and Rand al'Thor is cold. Though the spring festival of Bel Tine comes tomorrow, it is a year without spring, a year when green things fail and hope is dying.

It is a year of strangers; of a lady; and a gleeman with his tales of heroes; and a peddler with news of the present — of war with Ghealdan, far away, and of the rising of a false Dragon — the savior whose coming, foretold and dreaded, will bring a new Breaking to the World. But the worst strangers are monsters Rand thought only legend — the bestial Trollocs, and the horrifying Halfmen, whose eyeless gaze is fear.

They want a boy on the brink of manhood, born within a certain span of months. They want Rand himself, or his burly, deliberate friend Perrin, or the prankster Mat.

It is a world where nothing is what it seems. Not Nynaeve, the village Wisdom, who can Read the Wind. Not Moiraine, the lady from outside, whose beauty hides a terrifying identity and a Power that seemed only yesterday to be the stuff of legend. Not the lady's companion, Lan, whose chameleon cloak is stranger than the fluttering, multihued garment that proclaims the gleeman's trade of old Thom Merrilin. And not Egwene, the innkeeper's dark-haired daughter, caught between childhood and womanhood, between love of Rand and determination to become all that her destiny would make her.

The villagers know only that Trollocs hunt them. They have no way of knowing that the Dark One, imprisoned by the Creator at the moment of creation, is stirring in Shayol Ghul.

It is a time for prophecies to be fulfilled. The Wheel of Time is weaving a Web in the Pattern of Ages, a Web to entangle the World. It is a time when Time itself may die, when the Eye of the World may be blinded. What was, and what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

favorite books that you have to read

i recommend these books:


new moon (second book of twilight)

harry potter

maximum ride


eldest (second book of eragon)


the wheel of time series (#'s 1-11)

Septimus Heap

that and a lot more on my profile.

we book lovers got to stick together!

Saturday, June 2, 2007


i'm gonna go to the movies with a friend, but i don't know which one to chose!!!

help any one. the choses are sherk or pirates.

sherk is a funny movie that everyone goes to see.(if your an anybody you will go see it).

pirates of the carribean is sopposed to be good. and the ending of the second oone made me made! so i have to go see that one way or another to find out what happens next.

please help with love,

Friday, June 1, 2007


i got the eclipes coutdown for any twilight fan!!!


i love eclipe and twilght and new moon.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


down at the bottom there is a coutdown for hp!

both movie and book!!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


the sweet far thing is the third book to great and terrible beauty and the second one is rebal angels. they are really good books.

i love harry potter much more though

almost over!!!!

school is almost over. June 7th.
i can't wait because these books are coming out:

HARRY POTTER (that's right i love them)

Eclipse by stephine meyer

Sweet far thing by libba bray.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007



i got maximum ride!

i got the book maximum ride in maine before it came out. I relized they let the harry potter out early too!

I am glad i am going up there the week harry potter comes out. I can get it early!

say hey if your a harry potter fan! come on you know you are. you al least whatched the movie. every one has.

i love maximum ride too.

don't get me wrong i don't read 24/7. i play field hockey and do track.

yo yo for now

Friday, May 11, 2007


Hi every one i am really bored! i am home sick. yuk. blog me